Sweet William
These Tiny seeds (like poppy seeds) that I save every year
and replant (they take 2 years to bloom)
never fail to add color anywhere in the garden
So there I was minding my own business
in one of my many flower beds, thinking about what
I was gonna do with a certain exotic Iris that was gorgeous,
when lo and behold I spied a baby fawn nestled
in my flower bed. I ran, got m camera, because
I could not believe what I was experiencing.I named that place IRIS' BED and named the fawn IRIS
(IRA if it was a boy fawn cause I don't really know)
And made a handpainted sign for Iris.
The wrens are RENTING this birdhouse right now. Mama & Daddy wrens feed the babies constantly
If there is anything or anyone amiss in the garden, the wren willlet you know. They are the chatter-iest birds I know for sounding the "Danger Will Robinson" alarm (see Lost in Space, the tv series for ref)

An Exotic Iris
With the Corona Virus Lockdown, The Home Bodies & Social Distancing came extra time at home---So much so that seed catalog companies were running outta seeds.
IT'S GARDEN TIME SOMEWHERE has always been my sign for the spring when I put it outside for all to see.
However, It's been Garden Time Somewhere for me and my Garden Blog for over 10 years now so the garden is nothing new for this yardscaper. complete with homemade garden signs.
Gardening is one form of therapy, and you get tomatoes.