Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Genesis Of A Naturally Walnut Stained Tye Dyed T-Shirt.

THE Walnut Tree
 So last autumn I collected black walnuts because I loves me some black walnut meat on a long winter's day.  It gives me great pleasure to crack a black walnut open, that I husked, I shelled, I cleaned, and I dried.  It's a dirty nasty thankless job, but I do it for me.

From the old husks that layed in a galvanized drum last winter that got rained on and snowed on all winter  a natural walnut stain was created. So I started thinking what can I do with natural walnut stain? Off the top of my head was to stain some wood.  So I did that.  I layed two by four an what-not wood I found laying around into the fresh dye-stain and left it there for 2 days. The results were great.  From that freshly stained-dyed wood I'm going to make bird feeders,  herb-y window boxes and who know's what else.

And then I got to thinking again.  What else can I do with the natural walnut stain-dye.  Having been a paid tye dyer back in the day, I decided to try tye-dye-ing some T-Shirts.  The results are the following pictures from start to finish.

THE walnut
 My autumn walnut blog is .here. That's where this ongoing Walnut Project originated and began and extended over into this spring.


THE walnut stain
with husks left
out all winter.

Check out the great
reflection of the tree
in the water.

The Walnut Wood Stained
From THE fresh Walnuts

So I got a bunch of fresh walnut stained
wood, and a tye dyed t-shirt
from some leftover
walnut husks  that I re-used and
UP-cycled and RE-Cyled
It all about the

Tye Dye From Walnut Husks
Who Knew?
Now you Do.

The real final product
after finding out if it even
would work.
The dye-stain stays in the shirt,
does not bleed in the washer
and you'll see me in my
garden wearing my
spiral-y Tye Dyed
T-Shirt from Walnuts.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Pics

Rock Garden with a real cat,
NOT a lawn ornament

My Garden DIG IT

Fancy Daffodil


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Yippppeee the GoldFinches Are Baccccck From Wherever They Wintered

A goldfinch that I spied with my Kam-era eye

The birdfeeder brings
in a wealth of

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dandelion Salad: The Rite Of Spring Passage........I Eat Weeds, I Don't Smoke 'Em.

Dandelion from the Garden
(better known as the front and back yard)

I eat weeds, I don't smoke 'em.

The finished product
A little sauteed onion, a hot vingear and
honey dressing and you have an instant
weed eatin' salad.
According to the "old timers like my gramma, you should never pick Dandelion in Spring Months that do not contain an R in their names.March and April are fine but not the month of May.  Seriously those are the Dandelion rules where I come from. If they've gotten flowerheads on them, they are too tough to eat.

These pictures from the fresh dandelion greens I picked right out of the front and back yards (which does not have dogs roaming anywhere around it) is a yearly event, comes as a welcome relief that pissy cold dank sunless winter is officially over.  Dandelion Salad with a hot sweet and sour dressing is my spring rite of passage. It's like dancing around the Maypole in celebration of spring. It's like eating rabbit food, and lovin' it. It's like dancing naked in the garden. Dandelion makes me happy. And it's full of vitamins and minerals to boot.

Woo Hoo.... The Daffodils Are Blooming In The Garden...It's a Sign....Get Them Seeds Ready For Planting People

Enhanced and Photo Shopped

Out of focus, but still sharable.
not Photo Shopped
Fish Eyed and Photo Shopped Daffodil
Natural pic
Let sleeping cats lie.....
and then take their picture

Saturday, April 9, 2011

HOLY SHIT is Happening: The Book That Is.

I Just thought I'd post a book for a change of gardening pace because nothing much is happening in the Garden right now.  The Lettuce and Carrots are in. The beds are ready for planting, the compost pile is composting.

The birds are doing "it". Daffodils of dill-ing. And HOLY SHIT is happening.

Holy Shit is the name of a book.  A real book.

For those of us who likes us some "good shit" this book explains it all.

The title alone is enough to capture your imagination on how to create some "Good Shit"

....I like writing the word Shit on my blog in the scientific context of it all.  Some ladies of the "garden club" variety may take offense, But personally I like some good shit.

Call me a re-BELL-ious gardener.

With a big loud clapper.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Squirrel, A Rabbit, THE Cat, and Some Seeds For This Year's Garden

I caught the squirrel and the rabbit
eating the left over birdseed outside my window,
until the squirrel ran the rabbit outta
town and chased him away from the squirrel's food source.
It was fun to watch actually

TOMMY, The Cat

Huge Carolina PineCones
I collected while visiting S.C.
become great seed packet
trees to hold this years