Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What's Wrong With This Back Yard Garden Picture?

Fresh Picked Outta The Yard Dandelion Salad & A Pictures Of A Toad That Hopped On By

Picked Fresh This Morning, Dandelion, with  a
Sweet/Sour Vingrette and Onion Hot Dressing

Spot the Toad
Where's Toad-O?

Where's Toad-O Again?

All night long the peepers (toads) as I call them
have a symphony of toad music in my backyard.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Has Sprung....Very Early This Year....As If NoBody Else Has Noticed.

This pig that I orginally named and labelled SQUEALER
from George Orwell's book Animal Farm
feel over in a rainstorm last night so I left him that
way and took the picture anyhow.
The garden saying  GET DOWN AND DIRTY
YOUR GARDEN LOVES YOU, is even more appropo.

The Life of Riley Flower Power Poster
Created by K.a.m, the artist
for an up and coming flower head.