Wednesday, June 15, 2016

This Is What A Wintered Over Kale TREE Looks Like---WOW

I'm sure this is unusual--
It's an ordinary Kale Plant
That survived last winter
and is still growing to this day
and does not show signs of dying anytime soon
It's Flowered Already
But continues to be green and still growing

Strawberries, A YUGE Pumpkin Plant, & A Sweet Smelling, Bee Attracting, Gorgeous Bush

The Shortcake is Awaiting
This Pumpkin From This Pumpkin Plant is Gonna be YUGE...Just Look at those Leaves
This Bush Attracts The Most Bees
And Smells So Sweet, It Sends You
To A Heady Place

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Sweet William, A Red Breasted Grosbeak, & A Newly Hatched Butterfly In the 2016 Garden

A RedBreasted Grosbeak at the Birdfeeder
Sweet William
A Newly Hatched Butterfly
Letting It's Wings Dry Out
From Being In The Cocoon

Flowers in the 2016 Garden

Forget Me Nots

White Peony

Friday, April 22, 2016